AMIGA Technologies offers now the first true Internet Computer in the market. A fully equipped computer including standard software and a full set of Internet services. The total price is DM 1,199.- including 100 free online hours of a value of ca. DM 700.- as a special offer by IBM Global Network.
Bensheim, 29th January 1996: AMIGA Technologies GmbH, the daughter company of Escom AG founded in May last year, announces the availability of the AMIGA Surfer immediately at all AMIGA dealers in Germany.
The AMIGA Surfer aims for a booming Internet market and offers as the only computer a complete solution in this area for DM 1,199.-. Basing on the well-known AMIGA 1200, this complete solution contains the computer (AMIGA 1200 with harddisk), a fax modem (14,400 bps), standard and Internet software. The Internet software includes a browser for the World Wide Web, an FTP program for file transfer within the net, an eMail program for electronic mail, and an IRC program for world-wide online discussions. Especially the service for online discussions in the Internet hasn't been presented by any other vendor as prominently as this. Further, the AMIGA Surfer contains a T-Online (german Telekom) decoder and fax software.
To make the first steps in the Internet easier, AMIGA Technologies not only provides a simple and specially tailored user interface for the AMIGA Surfer, but also a special offer for free Internet use of 100 online hours (registration must happen until 31st March). This offer by the cooperation partner IBM allows the easy charging for Internet use by credit card. This way even the father, who purchased the AMIGA Surfer on Saturday, has the chance to be on the net the same day.
From March on, AMIGA Technologies will offer two new packets derived from the AMIGA Surfer for existing AMIGA owners. As first packet the AMIGA Surf Kit, with modem and Internet software, und soon afterwards the AMIGA Surfware, which only contains the Internet software, will be released. The price will be DM 299.- for the AMIGA Surf Kit and DM 199.- for the AMIGA Surfware.
Through widely spread public relations activities as well as advertisements in radio and print, the AMIGA Surfer will reach new types of customers. Also the computer illiterate will get the key to open the door to the World Wide Web and explore it, even without technical know-how.
This way AMIGA Technologies achieves it to place the AMIGA computer in the market as a full-blown home computer and as a sports car for the Information Highway.
<B>The AMIGA is back - </B><I>back for the future.</I>
<H2><B>Technical Details</B>
Hardware: A telephone connection is essential to connect to the Internet. The AMIGA Surfer contains an AMIGA 1200 with 2 MB of RAM (the Operating System only occupies less than 0.5 MB), a fax modem with 14,400 bps (bits per second), a standard telephone connection cable for the respective telephone connectors, and a power supply.
Software: As standard software there are included a text processor
(Wordworth), a database (Datastore), a spreadsheet (TurboCalc), a personal organizer (Organiser), and a graphics program (Personal Paint). You can exchange data transparently between TurboCalc and the programs Lotus and Excel. Data exchange between the text processor, the database, and application programs of other computer systems is possible in ASCII mode.
The Internet software includes the following programs: A PPP driver, the TCP/IP stack "I-Net 225", the WWW client (Web browser) "Mindwalker", the graphical eMail program "VooDoo" with MIME support, the FTP program "AmFTP", and as IRC program "AmIRC". As appetizers, also "MultiTerm SE" as T-Online decoder and "MultiFax light" for faxing are included.
Further Information available under Tel. 06251/802-222 at AMIGA Technologies GmbH in Bensheim.